Jun 27, 2020
The Father of Christians
By: Lee Hallman
Series: Fatherhood
This is our final message in a series on "Fatherhood" and is entitled "The Father of Christians." God considers all true Christians to be His family, a wonderful identification! During His earthly ministry, Jesus taught about being born into the family of God, experiencing a spiritual birth, what He called a second birth. That birth is the result of a conscious decision on the part of a person to establish a personal relationship with the Savior of the world. That is the focus of our study today: God's Family!
- Jun 27, 2020The Father of Christians
Jun 27, 2020The Father of ChristiansBy: Lee HallmanSeries: FatherhoodThis is our final message in a series on "Fatherhood" and is entitled "The Father of Christians." God considers all true Christians to be His family, a wonderful identification! During His earthly ministry, Jesus taught about being born into the family of God, experiencing a spiritual birth, what He called a second birth. That birth is the result of a conscious decision on the part of a person to establish a personal relationship with the Savior of the world. That is the focus of our study today: God's Family!
- Jun 21, 2020Earthly Fathers
Jun 21, 2020Earthly FathersBy: Lee HallmanSeries: FatherhoodThe message today is "Earthly Fathers." Let us look into the Word of God for instruction on fatherhood.
- Jun 13, 2020Father of a Nation
Jun 13, 2020Father of a NationBy: Lee HallmanSeries: FatherhoodThis is the second message in a series on "Fatherhood" and is entitled "Father of a Nation." That nation of which we are speaking is Israel, the nation into which God sent His Son Jesus to be first the Savior of the world, and ultimately to be the King over all the earth. Not only is it of personal benefit to consider the life of Abraham, but it gives insight into how God has worked and is working on planet earth even today where there has been an international focus on the nation of Israel since World War II.
- Jun 7, 2020The Father of Jesus
Jun 7, 2020The Father of JesusBy: Lee HallmanSeries: FatherhoodThis is the first message in a series on "Fatherhood." The title for this message is "The Father of Jesus" The fact that Jesus instructed His followers to begin their prayers with the words "Our Father who art in heaven" demonstrates the importance of fathers and families. All true Christians are considered part of the family of God! Fathers obviously are very important in the plans of God for His planet earth. All fathers would do well to learn all they can about God the Father and then do the best they can to emulate Him.